Animal Crossing 5 (34)

Animal Crossing is a very fun game especially during Christmas and other holidays like Easter,Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s day and birthdays especially mine! It is very fun to open presents and pinatas. It is fun to give presents to people.

Stars 4.9 (31)

Stars are so beautiful That’s how the shepherd’s found Jesus.

Christmas 5 (33)

Animal Crossing celebrates Christmas more than any other video game so that is why I made a card of it.

Lord of Lightning 5 (32)

This dragon does not breath fire it breaths out purple lightning. It also has swords stuck in it’s head.

Muscle Dedede 5 (30)

This guy can hurt you very bad. He carry’s 100,000 pounded weights. He can run up to 9,000 miles per hour.

Dark Dedede 5 (31)

This guys hammer can cause a lot of damage. This guy can transform into a very strong monster if you get him mad. He does not have a weak spot. But if you want to kill him you have to attack him over and over.